Hosting for an online store stores it on a worldwide network and provides information about pages to interested users. In order for you to provide your store with good functionality, it is worth taking a closer look at the various hosting options that are available at On this website you will have the opportunity to choose the most suitable option and make your website as functional as possible. In the future, you will need to switch to a new type of hosting, when the number of your visitors will grow. This will make the website accessible to a large number of people. but if you currently own a small resource, then it makes no sense to invest a lot of money in expensive hosting. Although such a need may arise a little later.
Features of the concept
Hosting is not only a place for its location. For users, this is a virtual platform hosting their databases. Physically, this is a server whose hard disks are filled with administrative system files of clients working with it. If necessary, they help to quickly extract the required information and display it on the screen. Free places for users are allocated on such sites to their online stores directly by hosting companies, whose functions also include ensuring uninterrupted operation, constant technical support and promptly responding to any access problems that arise.

Differences between paid and free services
Only the right choice of hosting for the online store will provide you with the planned attendance of your resources and the planned profit from it. There are several reasons why you should not pay attention to free hosting:
- imposed non-disconnected advertising;
- the third level of domains used, practically not promoted by search engines and not having the trust of applicants;
- high probability of unexpected server crashes, for whose stability no one is responsible;
- the possibility of losing all data stored there;
- significant restrictions on the allocated volume and additional options in terms of administration;
- low used speeds;
- low cost of quality service (from 99 rubles per month for paid services).

How to choose the right hosting for an online store
Choosing a good hosting for your online store is no more difficult than a regular site. Services are provided by the same resource owners. It’s enough to find a trusted host and not succumb to the sweet promises from recently appeared and unknown services. Pay attention to companies that take over all the administration. So you will be sure that the issues will be decided by masters of their craft and in a short time. In order to choose the right hosting for an online store, you must adhere to the following rules:
- Check how technical support of the selected resource works;
- Ask her questions before making a payment, evaluate how adequate and prompt answers will be;
- Make sure you have daily backups and other safeguards for your information;
- Find out the possibility of customizing it according to your own schedule;
- Browse Search Engine Resource Reviews;
- Find out if there are pre-installed platform engines for your online store;
- Carefully study the statistics of the server(s) concerned;
- Total working time (uptime) should not be less than 99.9%. This indicates that the server was idle for up to 50 minutes per month;
- Properly disassemble the resource admin panel: its availability, simplicity and convenience;
- Find out how much space on the server you are ready to provide and whether its additional reservation is possible;
- Often the information on the offered goods is quite voluminous and a certain reserve of allocated space is necessary.